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Export License Number or Exemption Code Required for All AESDirect Filings

On: September 14, 2016    |    By: Lisa Nemer Lisa Nemer    |    1 min. read

Export License Number or Exemption Code Required for all AESDirect FilingsOne thing that has come as a surprise to some exporters as they have transitioned to AESDirect via the ACE Portal is that a license number or exemption code is required for all line items, even if they are C33—No License Required items.

The funny thing about the AESDirect system, however, is that it will reject your shipment if you are missing the license number or exemption code, but when you review the line item to see what is wrong, it will fill in the proper code for you. All you need to do is save the item, and the error goes away.

You can avoid all that funny business by entering a license number or exemption code before clicking the Submit Filing button. If the item does not require a license number, AES specifies the exact exemption code to use for each license type.  For example, for license type C33—No License Required, you must submit an exemption code of NLR.

In Shipping Solutions export documentation and compliance software, enter the license number or exemption code on the EZ Start-Product Detail screen in the box labeled License No./Exemption. You can also store the appropriate number or code in the Products Database, so you won't have to enter it each time you ship that item.

Below is a chart showing whether a license is required for a particular license type, and if not, what the proper code is for submitting to AESDirect. The list can be found in the Foreign Trade Regulations (15 CFR 30).License Types


Lisa Nemer

About the Author: Lisa Nemer

Lisa Nemer leads the customer service and finance teams at Shipping Solutions, a software company that develops and sells export document and compliance software targeted specifically at small and mid-sized U.S. companies that export. If you have ever called Shipping Solutions with a question or problem you've probably talked to Lisa! Prior to joining Shipping Solutions, Lisa spent 14 years in finance and technology-related jobs for a Fortune 500 company in Minneapolis.

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