Customize Export Forms to Meet Your Company’s Needs

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Shipping Solutions allows you to modify non-regulated forms so you can choose what type of information appears on the forms and how it is formatted. Depending on which form you are customizing, you can:

  • Change the title of the document.
  • Change the number of decimal places that appear in the unit price.
  • Change the number of Schedule B digits that are displayed with your products.
  • Change the date format.
  • Display or hide additional freight and handling fees.
  • Display or hide the currency symbol.
  • Display or hide the country of origin for each product.
  • Modify the various field labels.

In addition, you can modify the margins on certain forms. You can also assign specific printers to specific forms. So, for example, if you want the commercial invoice to always print on company letterhead, you can change the top margin on the form so it fits on your company letterhead. You can then change the default printer for the invoice so it prints to a printer where letterhead is stored.

Customize Export Forms to Meet Your Company’s Needs


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