Send Your Shipment Data to UPS and FedEx

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The beauty of Shipping Solutions software is that it saves you time by eliminating redundant data entry. The software allows you to enter your export information once and then it automatically appears in the appropriate format on all the export forms. It eliminates the need to re-enter your data when you file through the Automated Export System (AES). And it can remove the need to re-enter your shipping information to generate UPS and FedEx shipping labels and schedule pickup.

Click a button on the Parcel Shipping screen to make your shipment data available for import to UPS WorldShip and/or FedEx Ship Manager. You can then click a button to import the data into the UPS or FedEx software, print out your label and schedule a pickup. Once your shipment has been submitted, the tracking number gets written back to Shipping Solutions so you can track your shipment.

Send Your Shipment Data to UPS and FedEx

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